我們是一家擁有 15年以上投資科技產業經驗,並致力於將它們與亞洲市場連結的創投公司。
“Translink offered guidance through their vast US and Asia investment experience and their global corporate partner network. We're truly fortunate to have them onboard.”
“Translink offered guidance through their vast US and Asia investment experience and their global corporate partner network. We're truly fortunate to have them onboard.”
“Translink offered guidance through their vast US and Asia investment experience and their global corporate partner network. We're truly fortunate to have them onboard.”
我們是深度參與公司成長的投資者,擁有豐富的跨境運營的經驗,並已透過 11 支基金協助超過 150 家新創公司成長。
由種子輪到 B 輪,著重於 A 輪。